WUSTL Faculty Directory –
Contacts Who’ve Been Helpful in the Past –
Clinical/Global Surgical Missions Perspective:
Jaime Cavallo, MD: jaime.cavallo@gmail.com
Global Health Perspective and Connections:
Dr. Powderly: wpowderl@wustl.edu
Dr. Jacaranda van Rheenen: jacaranda.vanrheenen@wustl.edu
Discovery Competition Questions:
Dennis Mell (dmell@WUSTL.EDU)
Electrical Engineering Help:
Ed Richter (ERichter@WUSTL.EDU) , Dennis Mell (dmell@WUSTL.EDU)
Lab Space:
Patricia Widder (pwidder@seas.wustl.edu), she’s also very helpful if anything needs to be 3D printed
Presentation Coaching:
Blake Marggraff (bmarggraff@wustl.edu),
Alexander Haimann (AHaimann@WUSTL.EDU)
Dean Eldar Causevic→ Associate Dean of Entrepreneurship and Partnerships- Engineering School (causevic@wustl.edu)
Matthew MacEwan – Has biotech start up experience, MD/PhD candidate at wusm
Mike Mense or Ron Ashbey – He is a technician at wusm, he managed to lend us some equipment from the hospital we otherwise could not have gotten access to
Mike Mense MFM8821@bjc.org
Ron Ashby rda8351@bjc.org
Business Contacts:
Dean Eldar Causevic (causevic@wustl.edu),
Clifford Holekamp (holekampc@wustl.edu)
Reserving Space on Campus – Wash U Rent-A-Space